Ref: Subscription No.1096 BE SUB 359 (DD No.134845 dated on 12/10/2013 )
Ref: Subscription No.1096 BE SUB 359 (DD No.134845 dated on 12/10/2013 )
Subscription Period : 2 years
(2014-2016 )
We have subscribed to your journal 'Business and Economy ', but the following issues are not received and is interrupted.
Volume No. 8, Issue Nos.V,,VI,VII,IX,X,XI,XII .2015
Please arrange to send us the pending issues and continue to deliver the issues without interruption.
We have subscribed to your journal 'Business and Economy ', but the following issues are not received and is interrupted.
Volume No. 8, Issue Nos.V,,VI,VII,IX,X,XI,XII .2015
Please arrange to send us the pending issues and continue to deliver the issues without interruption.