1. Membership and Circulation Work:
Registration of members (Manual or Integrated System); Maintenance of membership records; Issue, Return and Renewal of books, text books and other documents; Reservation/ Recalling/ Issuing of reminder of books, text books and other documents; Collection of over due charges; Preparation of no dues/ clearance certificates; Maintenance of Inter-library loan transaction records.
2. Acquisition Work:
Preparing purchase orders; Checking of duplication of books and other documents; Checking the purchase order of books, text books confirmed orders; filing of purchase orders; Bill preparation for payment: Certifying the Bills; Maintenance of Bill registers and expenditure register, Accessioning of Books; Transfer of books and other documents for technical processing.
3. Performing Library related Data Entry operations;
4. Periodicals work:
Order/ renewal of periodical subscriptions wherever required; Attending typing, Xeroxing and Data Entry operations Registering the current issues of periodicals (manual and computerized); downloading and uploading periodicals data; Reminders for non-receipt of periodicals;Preparing bills for payment of subscriptions/ adjustment of advance; Display of current issues of periodicals wherever required; preparing the loose issues of periodicals into a set for binding;
5.Xeroxing,Scanning ,printing operations,
6.. Technical Processing work:
Preparation and maintenance of shelf guides. bay guides; Spine label, book card, due date slip writing; downloading and uploading data of the processed books; filing of catalogue cards whenever required.
7. Preparation of binding list of books and periodicals; accessioning the bound volumes of periodicals; processing the bills of binders.
8. Preparing the list of documents for weeding out;
9. Upkeep and providing services from the Theses and Dissertations, rare books and other reserved collection.
10. Assist in Reference/ Referral services;
11. Library Services to users with special needs;
12. Performing the stock verification.
13. Secretarial Work: Data entry operation; noting, drafting, verification and scrutiny of records relating to library establishment, maintenance of files and records.
14. Performing Library Morning, evening and holiday duties