Ref: Your Proforma Invoice No. IP-KR 849 dtd 8/11/2010
Sub: Supply of Journals
Please find enclosed a multicity cheque for Rs. 7050 /- in favour of M/S ICF A/c being the subscription value of the following journals
1. Case Management
2. Effective Executive
3. HRM
4. Brand Review
5. Entrepreneurship
6. Knowledge Management
7. Management Research
8. Marketing Research Review
9. Organizational Behaviour
10. Supply Chain Management.
Kindly acknowledge receipt. The period of subscription shall be from January to December 2011 and arrange for dispatch of the Journals by Post from January 2011 onwards. Please see to it that the Journals are supplied regularly without break as and when they are published and arrange for the supply of any missing issue.
Encl: Multicity cheque No.45888 dtd 8/11/2010 for Rs.7050 /- on State Bank of India